Main discipline
Flow assurance
Specialist (> 15 years)Nationality
MalaysiaOther discipline
Accomplished and result oriented mentor/engineer/sec4on head with 15 years’ experience in oil and gas
industry. Demonstrated skills in commercial acumen, global mindset and exercises sound judgement
Champion in Oil & Gas produc4on op4miza4on, reservoir management plan, produc4on planning, idle
well restora4on and well work ac4vi4es. To date experienced of 1000+ wells in both onshore (ESPs,PCPs)
and offshore. Ini4ate and lead asset value framing, produc4on op4miza4on ac4vi4es for well’s assets for
more than 13 years related to produc4on op4miza4on. Support the development of Strategic Ini4a4ves
and Area Development Plan for asset-specific, incorpora4ng current and future development scenarios,
in line with business strategy through analysis and input gathering on petroleum engineering outlook ie
screening, clustering, concept iden4fica4on, fields sequencing and economic evalua4on to come out with
short and long term business porVolios. Streamline for data management process covering well, reservoir
and facility management (WFRM) and provide fit for purpose solu4ons in challenging areas of field assets
development and produc4on planning. Experienced blend of operated and non-operated asset
experience. Good technical skills covering well produc4on performance, reservoir analysis and
surveillance, sand management, and produc4on planning. Able to mo4vate and direct cross-cultural and
mul4na4onal teams to meet project deadlines, quality standards and ensure profitability of opera4ons.
Proven success stories and teamwork efforts. Strong communica4ons skills, including the ability to
interact effec4vely with a broad range of technical specialists and partners. Ability to work effec4vely
within a mul4disciplinary team to create integrated products.
Jan 2012 - Jan 2013
No certifications
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