Jonathan B.

Jonathan B.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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I am a widely experienced and highly competent geoscientist with an unquenchable passion for geoscience which, coupled with my background of degrees in geology, geophysics and sedimentology, enables me to pull out more geology from any kind of seismic data than most other people can.

Everything in geoscience relevant to oil and gas comes from the geology, and I believe that it is essential to have spent time learning enough geology and geophysics to understand all the elements from thin section (petrology) through rock physics and well ties to robust and appropriate seismic interpretations.

The interpretation of seismic data is something of an art which demands creativity that must be tempered by rigorous reality checks to ensure that the results are plausible. My own particular blend of experience and capability, with a keen awareness of what a certain seismic dataset can reveal, allows me to achieve that balance. Checks and balances also emerge from informal discussion during rigorous data integration as much as from formal peer reviews, and I enjoy sharing what I am seeing as a project develops, whether that involves G&G colleagues, reservoir engineers, drillers, economists, or managers.

I always carry an old-fashioned notebook and pens of various colours to sketch the geological geometries I am working with, think about how they developed, how what I see fits or does not fit with existing published material, why a proven trap formed, or how a trap could have formed and filled. Amongst the most fascinating elements are how the tectonics controlled and modified the depositional systems and formed the traps, and the critical assessment of possible direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs).

Informal discussion always helps, and there is nothing quite like that ‘eureka’ moment when an innovative concept makes sense in an appropriate context. These times are at their most precious when the emerging interpretation does not fit with given knowledge, but rather opens the way to a new model. Such moments can emerge either from exploration reconnaissance with little well control as much as from a fresh look at near field 3D seismic, especially if existing seismic datasets are nicely calibrated.

I am sure that my experience gained working with Kuwaiti and Malaysian oil and gas fields would be very useful to any employer in Malaysia or elsewhere, and I would be delighted to be considered for a role, should an appropriate opportunity arise. I hope to be able to discuss matters further in the near future. 




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