Quay wall and Dolphin Jetty Structural Analysis

timesheetBid + Execution

Scope of Work

The intention of this project is to appoint a qualified consultant firm that has the experience and the capability to assess the condition of both structural elements; concrete, steel structure and marine furniture ( fenders, bollards, ladders, Capstone, QRH etc.) (Jetty A, Jetty B, Quay Wall 1 and Quay wall 2). The objectives of this study can be briefed as follows: • Assess and evaluate the existing condition of the structure. • Conduct a Root-cause analysis on the deterioration issues that repeatedly occur at the structure. • Produce a long term maintenance manual tailored specifically to the existing condition of the jetty with cost estimating +/- 15% for a Maintenance program based-scenario.




Company specifications

eagle marine engineering consultancy

Codes and standards